KNZ, s.r.o.

Services in the field of cryptography

Hardware design, development
and production

Consultation and services in design, development and manufacture of electronic equipments, implementation of security features and algorithms in electronic devices, voice and data encryption and transmission over fixed and wireless networks, processing and recording video and audio signals in real time.

We are using ARM processors, programmable gate arrays, cryptographic chips, cryptographic SD cards, technology for data transmission in GSM, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth…

Software and firmware

Consultation and services in design and development of software and firmware for electronic devices, co-operating software on PCs, implementations of algorithms in the FPGA, programming chip-SD cards, software development for mobile devices.

Consultation, analysis, design and implementation of cryptographic functions and modules, or assessing their resistance in the current cryptographic systems.

Applied Cryptography
and cryptanalysis

Design custom cryptographic functions (encryption, hash, asymmetric encryption, signature functions, authentication schemes, random character generators, secure protocols…)

Bluetooth Wi-Fi Android ARM FreeRTOS GO-Trust Microchip Microsemi STMicroelectronics Windows Embedded Xilinx ZeitControl